Thursday, October 21, 2010


Photo from the bus coming into Morogoro. Tanzania is incredibly beautiful.

My host sister Josephina cooking in the kitchen.
Mama has taught me four Swahili words because of my host brother Alvin. They translate to (1) spoiled (2) trouble-maker and (3) noise. But he isn't he just the cutest when he tries be in the photo so bad?

My host sister Margret helps a kid from the neighborhood with math at the dinning room table.

What your walk home doesn't look like this? I'm only about halfway home at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Geneva !
    Que dirais tu d'une bonne tarte au maroilles, d'une carbonnade flamande, d'une bonne ch'ti ? ça changerait du pied de vache non ?
    Très heureuse de voir que tu vas bien et je t'envoie un petit coucou du club
